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We find the perfect treatment to suit your body


Remedial Massage

Hands on recovery

Remedial massage treatment aims to find and treat the root cause of the pain, treating the problem not just the symptoms.


Trigger Point Therapy

Pin pointing the source of pain

The objective of trigger point therapy is releasing or softening a muscular knot/fibers to reduce the tension and associated pain. 



Dry Needling

Different to acupuncture  

Can provide relief of muscular pain and stiffness. This technique can be used in conjunction with other alternative therapies.


Myofascial Cupping

Modernized Chinese medicine

Myofascial technique providing a release of fascia and increasing circulation to help improve range of movement.



Gua Sha 

Alternative scrapping technique

An alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation.


Positional Release

Therapeutic technique 

This technique combines trigger point therapy and movement. Allowing for an elongation of the muscle fibers to occur and increase movement within joints.

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